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Professional Answering Services, LLC
Let Us 'B' Your Answer
2124 Kennedy Avenue Chico, CA 95973
Bus. 530.332.2400    Toll Free 866.897.0628    FAX 530.566.0356
Penny White, Proprietor

Callers are 40% more likely to stay on the line when talking to a live operator than leaving a message on voice mail or machine. The voice you hear when you call is the most important person in our company. We make a serious effort to hire experienced people, train them well and take care of them. If you would like, please feel free to call in and speak with them. They are a team that has worked together for many years. We feel very fortunate to have them!

If it's not good, we cannot change it. We look at potential employees carefully. A poor attitude probably is the biggest reason for internal problems in a company.